Saturday 12 May 2012


Hello World!!! I probably sound like a Computer Science text book has been given the gift of speech!! But it is very exciting to finally start my own blog!! YAY!!!! This is something I have always wanted to do.. but I turned away from it every time I read a blog that would irritate me. Like once there was this blog in which a particular unemployed young man had suddenly decided that he hates photography and wanted the world to know it. He also went to the extent of calling every photographer a "rich brat who has no other ideas as to how he/she can spend their money:" I found this particularly annoying because of the irony in it. The blogger had listed his hobbies as "eating and sleeping " and was poking fun at the "rich brats" who had finally found themselves a new hobby. Oh and btw, neither am I a rich brat nor a photographer, I just have friends who take photography seriously and I appreciate that. Sure, I believe in freedom of expression just not when it breaks my Tolerance Barometer!  But here I'm!! hoping to follow some amazing blogs and get better at writing them myself.

This year has been an year of many many new changes! I see a new me at 22 years young finally doing all the things I always wanted to do . One of them being blogging. Excited, Hopeful and Optimistic..

Lots of love to all those who read this!!! more to come!